Companies with cash flow problems can often get behind on their payroll taxes. The IRS is the one entity that won’t think twice about slapping a lien on your business. After the filing of the lien, there isn’t a bank in the country that will lend you money. In some instances, a bank will cut off your credit line or drop you as a client if you do have a loan and you get into trouble with the IRS. If things don’t change in a hurry, this can lead to a business closing their doors within months. And with the tax liens filed by the IRS, what is the strategy for working capital? It can take months to negotiate a subordination of a tax lien.

How to Get Funding with IRS Issues

At ShurrFinancial, we have been dealing with the IRS since 1997. We don’t shy away from providing financing with tax problems or IRS issues. We will negotiate the subordination with IRS and get you the funds you need quickly to get the tax lien lifted. If your current finance company has cut you off, we can buy them out.

  • ShurrFinancial has provided working capital solutions for IRS strapped companies for over 21 years.
  • Our accounts receivable financing program has the flexibility to advance up to 90% of the invoiced amount.
  • We offer not only invoice factoring plans, but we also provide payroll funding, purchase order financing, government contract financing, letters of credit, and supplier guarantees for small to larger companies across a wide variety of industries throughout the United States.
  • We have a quick and easy approval process that can be set up in as little as 3 business days.
  • In most cases, we provide same day funding once we receive an emailed copy of the invoice and after our friendly, verification process.